ProMass is the world’s first and only completely automated ESI/LC/MS biomolecule charge deconvolution and web-based reporting software. ProMass for Xcalibur is a version of ProMass that has been integrated with Thermo Scientific’s Xcalibur data system.
-Automatic identification of terminal (3' or 5') or internal fragments from oligonucleotide sequences
-Support for identifying fragments from multiple oligo sequences (e.g., duplexes)
-Improved support for specifying modified oligonucleotides
-Support for “fuzzy” target masses such as PTM’s
-Dynamic sorting of columns in web-based reports
-Ability to specify discreet retention time regions of spectral background subtraction
-Target mass purity estimation computed from deconvolution peak intensities and chromatogram area percents
-Ability to limit number of deconvoluted spectra by chromatogram area percent or MS intensity
-XML output